
Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Car bomb kills at least 10 in Somali capital

By Feisal Omar and Abdi Sheikh

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A suicide car bomber killed at least 10 people on Monday in the worst attack in the Somali capital this year when he tried to kill Mogadishu's security chief near the presidential palace, police and rebels said.

Al Qaeda-linked Islamist militant group al Shabaab said it carried out the attack along Maka al Mukarram road that runs between the palace and the national theatre, a route lined by tearooms that were engulfed in fire from the blast.

A public minibus driving along the road burst into flames, when the suicide bomber set off explosives packed into his car in an attempt to kill Khalif Ahmed Ilig, the Mogadishu security chief, police and the rebels said.

Ambulance sirens wailed through the city's congested streets and a Reuters witness at the scene saw pools of blood on the ground. Residents joined in the rescue operations, pulling victims from the tea-houses and the minibus.

Police said seven civilians, three government security officers, and the bomber died in the blast that brought part of the city to a standstill. At least seven others were injured.

"The suicide car bomber targeted a senior national security officer whose car was passing near the theatre," senior police officer Abdiqadir Mohamud told Reuters, adding that the official had been injured.

"Most of the people who died were on board the minibus - civilians. This public vehicle coincidentally came between the government car and the car bomb when it was hit. Littered at the scene are human hands and flesh."

The explosion could be heard several kilometers (miles) away in Mogadishu's central business district.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, elected last year in the country's first national vote since dictator Siad Barre's overthrow in 1991, was in another part of the city during the blast, police said. The presidential palace stands about 100 meters from where the explosion struck.

Civil war followed the fall of Barre, which left Somalia without effective central government and awash with weapons, ushering in two decades of turmoil.

Security in Mogadishu has improved greatly since a military offensive drove Islamist rebels allied to al Qaeda out of the city in August 2011. But bombings and assassinations in Mogadishu, blamed on militants, still occur often.

The attack on Monday was the worst so far this year, police said, a stark reminder of two decades of civil strife, in a war-torn country where the central government depends heavily on a 17,600-strong African Union peacekeeping force for its survival.

"A wall, a tea-shop and two small shops collapsed from the blast. I could see injured people being pulled from under these places. There are pieces of human flesh and blood on the scene," resident Farah Abdulle told Reuters.

"This is Maka Al Mukaram road, the riskiest and busiest street in Mogadishu."


Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage said the group was behind the attack. The group, which wants to impose its strict version of Islamic law, or Sharia, said the strike was in revenge for the killing of people believed to be its members over the past few weeks.

"A car bomb by a mujahid targeted Khalif, the Mogadishu national security chief. He is seriously injured," Rage, told Reuters. "Many of his body guards and other security officials died and many others were wounded. It was revenge."

On Sunday, al Shabaab fighters regained control of Hudur, the capital of Bakool province near the Ethiopian border, after Ethiopian troops who have been part of an African offensive against the militants withdrew from the dusty town. It was not immediately clear why the Ethiopian troops pulled out.

In September, al Shabaab withdrew from the southern Indian Ocean port of Kismayu under pressure from African union troops, their last major urban bastion in the Horn of Africa state.

This signaled their demise as a quasi-conventional military force. However, they pledged to step up a campaign of suicide bombings and hit-and-run attacks.

(Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Jon Hemming)

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    KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghan opposition parties, frustrated with the government's lack of progress in making peace with the Taliban, have opened their own channel for negotiations with militant groups in hopes of putting their imprint on a deal to end 11 years of war.

    Taliban and opposition leaders confirmed to The Associated Press for the first time that the parties opposed to President Hamid Karzai have been talking since the beginning of the year to the Taliban as well as the militant group headed by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a U.S.-declared terrorist.

    They are trying to find a political resolution to the Afghan war ahead of two key events in 2014 — the presidential race that will determine Karzai's successor and the final stage of withdrawal of international combat troops from the country. The Afghan constitution bans Karzai from running for a third term, and there are fears that the troop withdrawal plus a new leader in the palace could usher in a new era of instability in Afghanistan.

    "We want a solution for Afghanistan ... but every step should be a soft one," said Hamid Gailani, a founding member of the united opposition. "We have to start somewhere."

    Two senior Taliban officials, who spoke to the AP, indicated that the group is willing to pursue talks to move the political track forward. One sign of this was that they said they were contemplating replacing their top negotiator because he isn't getting the desired results.

    The Taliban wants to talk with the U.S., but it broke off formal discussions with the Americans last year. The Taliban have steadfastly rejected negotiations with the Karzai government, which they view as a puppet of foreign powers.

    Taliban interlocutors have had back-channel discussions and private meetings with representatives from various countries. A senior U.S. official said the Taliban are talking to representatives of more than 30 countries, and indirectly with the U.S.

    Still, a lack of transparency surrounding all the discussions through various channels makes it difficult to know exactly who's talking with whom.

    Karzai, who misses no chance to champion his nation's sovereignty over foreign powers, demands that any talks be led by his government. Early last year, he said that his administration, the U.S. and the Taliban had held three-way talks aimed at moving toward a political settlement of the war.

    The U.S. and the Taliban, however, both deny that such talks took place.

    Hekmatyar's Islamist militant group, meanwhile, has held talks with both the Karzai government and the United States.

    As the opposition pursues peace with the Taliban, Karzai has launched a new round of verbal attacks on his supposed ally, the United States, which have infuriated some in Washington and confused some of his senior advisers.

    In recent weeks, Karzai has accused the U.S. of colluding with the Taliban to keep foreign troops in Afghanistan and has attacked the Taliban for talking to foreigners while killing Afghan civilians at home.

    Earlier this month, Karzai accused the West of trying to craft an agreement between the Taliban and his political opponents and vowed to oppose the opening of a Taliban office in Qatar if it was used for talks with anyone other than his government. The U.S. has denied the allegations.

    The Afghan president also has stepped up his rhetoric against his political opponents, trying to paint them as American pawns in a grand U.S. scheme to install a government of its liking when the United States and NATO finish their withdraw of combat troops by Dec. 31, 2014.

    The opposition — united under a single banner called the Council of Cooperation of Political Parties — is meanwhile trying to put its stamp on a post-war Afghanistan.

    It says it has reached out to both the Taliban and Hekmatyar, a one-time U.S. ally who is now listed as a terrorist by Washington.

    In addition to getting the blessing of Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar, any peace deal would have to be supported by Hekmatyar, who has thousands of fighters and followers, primarily in the north and east.

    Omar and Hekmatyar are bitter rivals, but both launch attacks on Afghan government and foreign forces and both have suspended direct talks with the U.S., saying they were going nowhere.

    The opposition group is full of political heavyweights.

    There are former presidential candidates, Abdullah Abdullah and Ali Ahmed Jalali — both of whom were said to be Washington's preferred candidates in the last presidential election in 2009. There's also Rashid Dostum, who leads the minority Uzbek ethnic group and Mohammed Mohaqiq, the leader of another minority ethnic group called the Hazaras.

    Also in the group is Ahmed Zia Massoud, a former Afghan vice president and the brother of anti-Taliban fighter Ahmed Shah Massoud, the charismatic leader of the ethnic minority Tajiks who died in an al-Qaida suicide attack two days before the Sept. 11 attacks that provoked the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001.

    A senior official with Hekmatyar, who is familiar with the many negotiating channels of his organization, confirmed that representatives have met with the opposition. He said the talks were nascent, but refused to give additional details.

    Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid denied that the Taliban were talking with the opposition group. But a second Taliban official confirmed that the Taliban has been in contact with opposition members in Kabul.

    All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations.

    Gailani, the founder of the united opposition group, said the group was in discussions with Taliban interlocutors close to Omar.

    The opposition expects to field a consensus candidate in next year's presidential election. Reaching an understanding with both the Taliban and Hekmatyar's group would give them a greater chance to win in the 2014 polls and cobble together a multi-party government that could bring stability to a post-Karzai government.

    "It's no secret that almost nobody wants any version of the Karzai clan to remain in power," said Anatol Lieven, a professor in the War Studies Department at King's College in Britain who has met with current and former members of the Taliban.

    But he said that he did not think that the opposition's talks with the militant groups would yield anything soon.

    "They are part of a gradual process of building up links and exchanging views, which could lay the foundation for a settlement later, though only after Karzai has departed the scene," Lieven said.

    Hekmatyar has laid out a 15-point plan for Afghanistan's future that calls for a broad-based government, nationwide elections, an interim administration and a series of election reforms.

    The Taliban have been less clear about their vision of a future Afghanistan. However, late last year Omar, the one-eyed, reclusive leader, issued a statement in English that seemed unusually conciliatory.

    "As to the future political destiny of the country, I would like to repeat that we are neither thinking of monopolizing power nor intend to spark domestic war," Omar said.

    "The future political fate of the country must be determined by the Afghans themselves without any interference from big countries and neighbors, and it must be Islamic and Afghan in form," he added.

    Talks with the U.S. were temporarily scuttled in early 2011 by Afghan officials who were worried that the secret, independent talks would undercut Karzai. They quietly resumed with each side seeking small signs of cooperation, but the Taliban shut down all talks with the United States after it refused to release their colleagues from Guantanamo Bay.

    A senior U.S. official said there have been "no, no, no direct contacts of the U.S. with Taliban since January 2012."

    Apparently frustrated by the lack of any progress in talks with the U.S., two Taliban officials told the AP that the movement's governing council was contemplating removing Tayyab Aga — special assistant to Omar during the Taliban's rule — as their lead negotiator because he "could not achieve the expected results."

    Mullah Abbas Akhund, the Taliban's health minister, is being tapped as Aga's replacement, according to the two Taliban officials.


    Kathy Gannon is AP Special Regional Correspondent for Afghanistan and Pakistan and can be followed on www.twitter.com/kathygannon

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    ka ra Tokyo

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    マドンナまでも魅了した日本人ダンサー メラニンを演じる2006年あのニューヨーク「アポロシアター」で殿堂入り、2007年にニューズウィークの「世界が尊敬する日本人100人」に選出され、マドンナのステージなどで活躍してきたダンサー・TAKAHIRO。そうした情報だけ見ると、さぞ子供の頃から踊ることが好きで、おしゃれ感度も高くて、アクティブだったんだろうと想像するのだが、実際に話を聞いてみると全く違う人物像が見えてくる。大学に入るまで家と学校の往復だけ、運動は苦手、東京生まれなのに新宿や渋谷に一人で行ったこともなかったという,前半、後半とも序盤に一気に攻撃を仕掛ける。 実は普通――むしろ超・オクテな少年だった彼が、今や世界で評価されるダンサーであり、振り付け師になったプロセスには、何があったのだろうか? その原点と、“今”表現者として活躍する姿に注目してみた。「パッとしない子供でしたねぇ。マイペースなキャラクター、人と競争するのが苦手で、一人でラジオを聴いているのが好きでした。サッカーのチーム分けなんかで、各チームのリーダーが“あいつをうちのチームに欲しい”と順々に選んで行くと、最後の方まで残っていて『うーん。まぁTAKAHIROでいいか』というポジション。 高校時代にフランス語演劇部の部長になったんですが、代々主役を部長が演じるはずのイベントの舞台で、顧問の先生が『TAKAHIROじゃダメだから、今回は○○に主役をやってもらおう』なんて、部員でもない生徒を指名したんですよ……酷いでしょう?(笑い)さすがにこの時は“それはないだろう”とがんばって主役をやり、公演を成功させました」(TAKAHIRO・「 」内以下同) しかし今では世界のダンサーが憧れる多くの舞台で脚光を浴び、今年の2月から渋谷にダンス・スタジオもオープンし、活動の幅もさらに広がっている。そんな彼の最新作のひとつが、資生堂の美白美容液『HAKU』のプロモーショナルムービーだ。 この映像がWebだけでなく、JRや私鉄のトレインチャンネル(車内映像)で放映されるとネット上でも話題となり、まとめサイトでは“HAKUのCMがカッコよすぎる”“是非映画化して欲しい”など絶賛されている。今回の作品で彼はダンスパフォーマンスだけでなく、振り付けや演出も行っているのだが、肌の中――目に見えない世界を表現する力は、どうやって培われたのだろうか。「大学生になって、それまで抱えていたコンプレックスから離れて、何か自分が輝けるものを持ちたいと。そんな中でダンスを“やりたい”と思うようになって、ダンスサークルに入ったんですが、先生がいるわけじゃない。上手な先輩に『それはどうやるんですか?』と聞いて、少しは教えてもらいましたけど、ほとんど独学。でも与えられる課題をこなしていた18年間だったので、もう縛られるのは嫌だった。だから誰かに期待されるわけでもなく、自分で好きにダンスを作っているのが楽しかったですね。 当時は洋楽なんてわからなくて、単純に自分が好きな曲――『おかあさんといっしょ』の『メトロポリタンミュージアム』や『かっぱなにさま?かっぱさま!』、ポンキッキの『ほえろ!マンモスくん』で踊っていました。4年間『ほえろ,=当時=の委員長昇格に伴い後任の書記局長に就任し、これまで12年以上にわたって党務を仕切ってきた!マンモスくん』をやっていたら、“おもしろいね”と言って集まってくれた仲間がいて、そのスタイルがステージでも人気になったんです。そういった自分のスタイルを大切にし続けたことで、NYでの成功に繋がったり、今の自分が作られている面は大きいと思います」 洗練された映像表現力や、マドンナがその世界観を絶賛するパフォーマンスの原点に、『かっぱなにさま?かっぱさま!』や『ほえろ!マンモスくん』があったというのは、なかなかのギャップだ。「今回の美白美容液『HAKU』のプロモーショナルムービーでは、“HAKU”とメラニンである“KURO”という大きく分けると二つの対比があって、柔らかい・完全な“HAKU”が、まがまがしく・強い“KURO”を包み込みます。“HAKU”の完成された、洗練されたイメージを表現するには、クラシカルなバレエ。また“KURO”の方は、メラニン――太陽の光・紫外線を表す、元気でギラギラした動きとして、ストリートダンスが絡みます。 更に“KURO”陣営で僕の演じたアンダーメラニン――肌の奥底から出てくる存在を、コンテンポラリーなどいろいろなダンス要素を含んだ、地の底から湧いて出てくる動きで表現。そして霧島さんのアクティングを中心としたダンスが、全体の調和を作り上げている。全てのダンス、全ての動き、一つひとつに意味があり、テーマやストーリーを表現しているんです。 こうしたテーマを表現する上で、それを具現化するために、自分にできない動きやフォルムを表現できる人をキャスティングをしたり、水を使った演出をするといった、イメージをより幅広く作ることができる……そういった作業は常に新鮮です」 その作業の中では、女性の敵“シミ”の素である、メラニンとアンダーメラニンとの違いについて調べたり、商品の特徴を理解して、イメージを膨らませるプロセスも楽しんだという。しかしこの作品の1番の見どころは、美白美容液『HAKU』とメラニンの闘いという、目に見えない世界を表現した振り付けや演出だけではない。「みなさんに見ていただきたいのは、生身のパフォーマンスのすごさです。演出のためにスローモーションなど、映像スピードの面では手を加えていますが、CGは一切使っていません。全て実際に、人間の動きで表現されたものなんです。 今はCGで、ある意味“なんでもできちゃう”部分もありますが、本物の肉体だから表現できる迫力や美しさ……そういったものを感じてもらえると、嬉しいですね」 [関連リンク] ダンスに絶賛の声上がる剛力彩芽 5才からダンス少女だった 「扇情的すぎる」KARA妹分7人の「美へそ」日本で大人気 草刈民代のヌード 夫の周防監督が「撮っておいたら」と後押し NHK朝ドラ“てっぱん体操”が認知症予防に効果アリと話題 KARAと少女時代 どっちのダンスの振り付けがやりやすい?

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    「人智の及ばない大災害の前で、それでも商売を続けていけという声を聞いた気がした。感激しつつも看板は重かったですね」と、同社社長・斉藤嘉一郎(かいちろう)さん(54歳)は当時を振り返る。タンクの酒は復興祈願を込め新ブランド「船尾灯(ともしび)」として発売。テレビでも紹介されヒット商品になった,R4i GOLD PLUS 隕石の落下でこれほど多数の被害者が出たのは、世界でも初めてとみられる




    *「船尾灯」はホームページからも購入可能。【http: //www.kakuboshi.co.jp/】

    (取材・文/長谷川博一、撮影/野田雅也)【関連記事】 3.11から2年。「本当の復興」を目指して~ 岩手造船所 被災した宮城県南三陸町の声。「パンダや松に金を使うなら、スーパーを建ててほしい」 被災地以外に復興予算を流出させる霞ヶ関のテクニック 思想家・東浩紀が重大提言「僕は福島第一原発観光地化計画を提案します」 ボランティア活動をする男に対する女性の好感度は100%,gucci ベルト 和田監督も「投げるテンポが良くなった